Where once it surprised that Bob Odenkirk would return to AMC in spinning off Better Call Saul from Breaking Bad, the once and future Saul Goodman is firmly sticking with the network. Odenkirk will lead a new AMC miniseries based on New York Times journalist David Carr’s memoir The Night of the Gun, as written by The Shield alum Shawn Ryan.
Between Sons of Anarchy, Justified and plenty other landmark dramas of recent years, there’s been no shortage of visibility for The Shield’s prolific cast and creators, save the actual series itself. Now, the Strike Team returns prettier than ever, as creator Shawn Ryan confirms a 4K conversion that will enable a Shield Blu-ray and upgraded streaming.
As saddened as we were to see the promising ABC drama 'Last Resort' air its series finale after only 13 episodes, at the very least series creator Shawn Ryan had the option to end the series as he so chose. Had last night's "Controlled Flight into Terrain" not been the series finale however, how might the remaining nine episodes of the season gone differently? Creator Shawn Ryan shares a
If you were a child of the 1980's, chances are that you love Eddie Murphy. You can probably recite much of his stand up from his special 'Delirious' ("Lemonade... that cool refreshing drink") or bits from 'Trading Places' or 'Beverly Hills Cop' by heart. And though Eddie Murphy has spent much of the last two decades disappointing fans on the big screen, it looks like he may be taking his