'300: Rise of an Empire' will hit theaters in one week's time, and to give you more of a preview of the action to come, Warner Bros. unleashed six new clips.
As we approach the theatrical release of '300: Rise of an Empire' and the first reviews slowly trickle out -- with our own Mike Sampson briefly summarizing it as "equal parts legitimately good, legitimately bad and so-bad-it's-good" -- Warner Bros. unleashed a massive new look at Eva Green and Sullivan Stapleton duking it out on the high seas.
Though there've been countless trailers and images for '300: Rise of an Empire' -- heck, we went to Comic-Con and even the set itself to learn more about this film -- you may still be wondering what it is all about. Is it a sequel? A prequel? A spinoff? Let's put these questions to rest as the cast and crew behind 'Rise' walks us through the story in a new behind-the-scenes featurette.
It's nearly impossible to make a sequel to '300' when you've *Spoiler alert for a five year old movie* only got a handful of surviving main characters. But when the first film made $210 Million domestically, and nearly a half a billion worldwide, it's near impossible for a studio to walk away from the property...