We’ve all heard the casual moans of fan communities that Hollywood never comes up with anything original anymore, settling into the familiar patterns of sequels, remakes, and adaptations of familiar properties to cash in on brand recognition. And while remakes have become subtly accepted as a chance for a new take on dormant properties, the recent ‘RoboCop’ trailer reminded us just how much passio
New DVD releases, Blu-ray and streaming this week: goofy glee club action in 'Pitch Perfect,' kid-friendly fun in 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days,' Colin Farrell in the 'Total Recall' remake and more zombie-killing in 'Resident Evil: Retribution.' ...
The new version of ‘Total Recall’ is different from the original in many ways, but one thing that sadly remains similar is the opening box office gross. Back in 1990, $25.5 million was enough to be the biggest debut of the year. In 2012, an initial earning of $26 million is barely enough to crack the top 25. Given that the remake cost a lot more than the first film, even with inflation considered,
Hey there, 'Total Recall.' You know how you were supposed to be pretty big movie? Well, hopefully you're sitting down because, well...you're not. You see, there's this little thing called 'The Dark Knight Rises' that isn't a remake of a much-beloved film and it doesn't star Colin Farrell and people actually seem to generally kinda' like it. Yeah, sorry buddy. You didn't stand a chance.
Len Wiseman is good at what he does -- and what he does is make mindless action films. Unfortunately, that makes him a poor choice to direct a remake of 'Total Recall,' since what makes the material so great is the fact that it's anything but mindless.
Wisemen is totally uninterested in the very thing that makes 'Total Recall' interesting -- namely its poker-faced presentation of a story with two
Are you guys ready for some action? Before you answer that, we should clarify: Are you ready for a 'Total Recall' featurette that focuses on how they filmed the action sequences? If you answered yes to the second question, read on to check it out. If you answered yes to the first question, sorry, we're not sorry.
When you're the infamous three-breasted woman in the 'Total Recall' remake, you're bound to get some attention. Canadian actress Kaitlyn Leeb knew that she'd have a lot of eyes on her, but since she showed up in full costume at Comic-Con 2012, fanboys have been tripping over themselves online and offline.