William Zabka

'How I Met Your Mother' Review: "Gary Blauman"
'How I Met Your Mother' Review: "Gary Blauman"
'How I Met Your Mother' Review: "Gary Blauman"
‘How I Met Your Mother’ season 9 recalls its 21st episode of the final year in “Gary Blauman,” as Ted, Barney, Marshall, Lily and the other guests argue over whether or not to kick out the titular wedding latecomer ('SNL' Star Taran Killam), each remembering their own past experiences with the man. Last week's ‘How I Met Your Mother’ installment “Daisy” saw Marshall attempting to figure out what L
‘How I Met Your Mother’ Review: “Mom and Dad”
‘How I Met Your Mother’ Review: “Mom and Dad”
‘How I Met Your Mother’ Review: “Mom and Dad”
‘How I Met Your Mother’ season 9 recalls its tenth episode of the final year, “Mom and Dad,” as Barney attempts to play matchmaker to his estranged parents ('Dexter's John Lithgow and 'American Horror Story's Frances Conroy), while Ted attempts to solve the mystery of a best man saboteur. Last week’s ‘How I Met Your Mother’ installment “Platonish” saw Barney recounting how a helpful stranger (Cris
‘How I Met Your Mother’ Final Season: True ‘Karate Kid’ William Zabka to Return!
‘How I Met Your Mother’ Final Season: True ‘Karate Kid’ William Zabka to Return!
‘How I Met Your Mother’ Final Season: True ‘Karate Kid’ William Zabka to Return!
It took a true 'How I Met Your Mother' fan to remember that Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) always considered William Zabka to be the true hero of 'The Karate Kid,' but we'll have plenty of time to learn in the final season! After a season 8 cameo, Zabka has been revealed to return for a surprising number of episodes in the final 'How I Met Your Mother' run, but what other surprises are in store? Rea