T.J. Miller’s Voicemail Recording Is, Uh, Super Bizarre
T.J. Miller is currently facing up to five years in prison if convicted for calling in a fake bomb threat. The former Silicon Valley actor was arrested by the FBI on Monday night in New York for allegedly calling in a fake bomb threat back in March. That’s not the only bizarre thing about the news.
BuzzFeed’s David Mack attempted to reach out to the actor on Tuesday by calling the phone number listed on the indictment. He got Miller’s personal voicemail, a totally normal occurrence for any human, yes? We all have voicemails, but this voicemail recording is, uh, particularly weird:
Too bad the voicemail itself isn’t funny, only the fact that after a full minute of nonsensical rambling about leaving a “real live voicemail,” his inbox was… full.
Miller, who’s been accused of physical and sexual assault and sending an abusive, transphobic email to a film critic, allegedly called 911 in New Jersey on March 18 to report a woman had a “bomb in her bag,” however no explosives were found. The Ready Player One actor was said to be intoxicated at the time of the phone call, according to the Amtrak attendant. The incident is believed to have been “motivated by a grudge against the subject female,” and Miller was said to have been engaged in “hostile exchanges” with the unidentified woman on the train.
The actor has been charged with “intentionally conveying to law enforcement false information about an explosive device on a train” by the United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut. He was released on a $100,000 bond on Tuesday, but if convicted, he faces up to five years in prison. Now might be a good time to clean out his inbox.
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