New ‘Transformers’ Roll Out in the ‘Rise of the Beasts’ Trailer
Quick: Take a guess. How many Transformers movies are there at this point? Don’t look at your phone and cheat. Just guess.
The correct answer: Seven, if you include the brand-new Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. It’s kind of incredible that we’ve gotten so many in such a relatively short amount of time. The first live-action Transformers movie is only about 15 years old. Since then, the robots in disguise have returned to summer movie screens half a dozen times. Five of the six were chronological sequels, all directed by Michael Bay. Then in 2018, the series finally branched out with a prequel and a sort of spinoff, focused mostly on Bumblee.
The latest film takes place after Bumblebee but before the other films and features the traditional Transformers teaming up with the new Maximals — robots that turns into animals instead of cars, a concept that was first introduced on the old Transformers: Beast Wars cartoon series. Take a look at the latest trailer below, which also includes human stars Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback and the planet-devouring Transformer Unicorn...
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Rise of the Beasts is the first film in the series directed by Steven Caple Jr., whose last movie was Creed II. (No less than five different writers are credited with writing the screenplay, including Obi-Wan Kenobi producer and writer Joby Harold.
Here is the new Transformers film’s official synopsis:
Returning to the action and spectacle that have captured moviegoers around the world, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts will take audiences on a ‘90s globetrotting adventure with the Autobots and introduce a whole new faction of Transformers – the Maximals – to join them as allies in the existing battle for earth.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is scheduled to open in theaters on June 9. Seven Transformers movies! I have never felt more old.

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