‘Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Part 1′ Extended Edition: Edward and Bella Are Back for More!
Just when you thought the 'Twilight Saga' was over and done, Lionsgate has just announced the debut of 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 1' extended edition on DVD, Blu-ray and digital download! That means you can now watch some of the footage that didn't make it into the movie. Oh joy!
As you'll remember, 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 1' marked the first half of the end to the 'Twilight' movie franchise, but if you're wondering what will happen after all the movies have come and gone, well, the story hasn't really ended yet. Starting on March 2, the new extended edition DVD/Blu-ray/digital download for 'Breaking Dawn, Part 1' will be available for purchase.
On top of the theatrical version of the film documenting the first part of Bella and Edward's marriage and pregnancy, there's an additional extended edition featuring eight minutes of new and extended scenes with an optional director's commentary.
"As Twilight series devotees know, there was a lot of ground to cover in adapting 'Breaking Dawn' to the screen," said director Bill Condon. "Between the wedding, the honeymoon, the birth, and everything in between, naturally there were things that didn’t make it into our final cut. But I wanted to make sure that for all the Twihards out there, there was a chance to see some of these cut scenes – several of which are fan favorites from the book."
So what do you think? Are you Twihards pumped to see even more of 'The Twilight Saga'? Or is everyone pretty much done with the franchise? Do you think this means an extended edition will be released for 'Part 2'? Check out the trailer for the extended edition below, and let us know what you think in the comments.
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