‘Veronica Mars’ Movie Adds Krysten Ritter and Ryan Hansen to Returning Guest Stars
Just the other day 'Veronica Mars' announced the news that Tina Majorino's Mac would return for the upcoming Kickstarter movie, and now the fan-funded feature film has added two more returning favorites. 'Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23' star Krysten Ritter will reprise her character Gia Goodman, while 'Party Down' favorite Ryan Hansen will be back as Dick Casablancas, and we have the dance number to prove it!
“Despite the name of her most recent television series, Krysten couldn’t be lovelier to work with,” series creator Rob Thomas wrote in an email to the film’s Kickstarter backers. “I’m thrilled that she’ll be joining us for the movie.” Having played Gia Goodman over eight episodes from 2005-2006, Ritter wrote to her own followers about the casting, saying:
Veronica Mars has a special place in my heart because it was my first big acting job (!!!!!!) and it was also one of the most lovely on-set experiences you could ever ask for. This will truly be an awesome shoot, not only because we all get to be reunited (can't WAIT!) but because of the revolutionary way this all was able to come to life!
Meanwhile, Hansen had his own unique way of announcing the news, which you can see for yourself in the video below. Along with Majorino and Ritter, the 'Veronica Mars' movie thus far includes return appearances from Francis Capra (Weevil), Brandon Hillock (Deputy Sacks), Kevin Sheridan (Sean), Jonathan Chesner (Corny), Sam Huntington (Luke), Amanda Noret (Madison), Daran Norris (Cliff), Chris Lowell (Piz), Percy Daggs III (Wallace), Jason Dohring (Logan), Enrico Colantoni (Keith) and of course, Kristen Bell (Veronica).
What are you waiting for? Dance out the news and tells us in the comments who else you'd like to see return for the 'Veronica Mars' movie!
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