With all of the recent marketing hubbub over 'The Dark Knight Rises' (see today, yesterday, the day before, etc), it may be easy to forget that another major superhero will hit the big screen several weeks before Batman. Yep, 'The Amazing Spider-Man' will be swinging our way on July 3 and will undoubtedly be the movie to see in between stretches of barbecue and fireworks. Well, unless you're not currently residing in the United States. Then you'll be seeing it in between stretches of things not related to a key American holiday.

Anyway, the Australian trailer for the hotly anticipated superhero reboot is online and if offers you Spidey fans just enough new footage to be worth your hard-earned time and energy.

The trailer starts off identical to the American trailer and continues along the same basic beats, but it flops footage around and squeezes in new bits and pieces, including a very funny coda that puts a joke from the previous trailer in the proper context. This trailer only continues what the previous versions have shown us: this certainly isn't Sam Raimi's Spider-Man. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is a question that will be answered in about a month. What do you think?

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