Shia LaBeouf is pulling his latest Marina Abramović rip-off right now, and you can watch him do it.

The actor-writer-director-performance-artist-whatever is currently watching all of his movies in a public New York movie theater, and hey, you can join him! On Tuesday at noon at the Angelika Film Center in Manhattan, according to a press release via Gothamist, a “performance” by “art collective LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner” titled #ALLMYMOVIES kicked off, which is essentially LaBeouf sitting in the theater for 72 hours straight watching his movies in reverse chronological order. You can join him (for free!) or you can watch a live stream of his face watching his face.

The performance started with his latest film Man Down and will likely end on his first feature film Holes (don’t worry, you still have time to make it to the theater for that one). But the real important question – beyond “Will he fall asleep?” “When will he take a bathroom break?” – on my mind is if this epic LaBeoufathon will include The Even Stevens Movie, and oh I pray it does. Make sure to keep an eye out in a few hours when LaBeouf watches himself be, uh, super naked in Nymphomaniac. #Art.

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