Adam McKay

‘Anchorman’ Sequel WIll Involve A “Custody Battle,” But Is Christina Applegate Coming Back?
‘Anchorman’ Sequel WIll Involve A “Custody Battle,” But Is Christina Applegate Coming Back?
‘Anchorman’ Sequel WIll Involve A “Custody Battle,” But Is Christina Applegate Coming Back?
Will Ferrell appeared on the ‘Conan’ show in full Ron Burgundy gear to announce that Paramount had agreed to terms on an ‘Anchorman’ sequel. Precious few details were shared, however, before Burgundy blew into his flute and danced off into the night. When will the sequel reach theaters? And what might it be about? Thankfully, writer/director Adam McKay’s shedding a little more light on the situati
Will Ferrell Announces ‘Anchorman 2′ is a Go!
Will Ferrell Announces ‘Anchorman 2′ is a Go!
Will Ferrell Announces ‘Anchorman 2′ is a Go!
In what may be the greatest news in the history of cinema, Will Ferrell broke on tonight's Conan O'Brien show that he will be reuniting with director Adam McKay, and co-stars Paul Rudd and Steve Carell for what could be the greatest sequel every filmed: 'Anchorman 2.' This has the possibility of making 'The Godfather Part II' look like 'The Godfather Part III.'