Conan O'Brien

Conan and Jimmy Kimmel Address Angry ‘Ninja Turtles’ Fans
Conan and Jimmy Kimmel Address Angry ‘Ninja Turtles’ Fans
Conan and Jimmy Kimmel Address Angry ‘Ninja Turtles’ Fans
We found out just a few days ago that Michael Bay and company are rebooting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, but our beloved teenage turtle-shelled heroes will be "from an alien race and they are going to be tough, edgy, funny and completely lovable." This tough new look completely karate kicks the whole original idea we are all costumed to in the face and fans everywhere are
Ewan McGregor Reacts to Louis C.K.’s Man Crush
Ewan McGregor Reacts to Louis C.K.’s Man Crush
Ewan McGregor Reacts to Louis C.K.’s Man Crush
You should know who Louis C.K. is by now. Only after a few years, the redhead comedian his garnered fame with his hit TV show - a fictional self-deprecating look at his own life - and is one of the most in-demand comedians currently working. One of the reasons why he's so in demand is his unapologetic hilarious look at religion, race, sexuality, and celebrities. One of those celebrities is Ewan Mc
Conan O’Brien Serves Up Green Beer for St. Patrick’s Day
Conan O’Brien Serves Up Green Beer for St. Patrick’s Day
Conan O’Brien Serves Up Green Beer for St. Patrick’s Day
Saint Patrick's Day is tomorrow, where, if there's a parade or popular street full of bars in your town area, you'll find handfuls of drunk heathens stumbling the streets, teeth stained from drinking too much green beer. The Irish know how to drink; young college boys wanting to be Irish for a day, do not.
Conan Introduces Hilarious New Dog Breeds
Conan Introduces Hilarious New Dog Breeds
Conan Introduces Hilarious New Dog Breeds
Dogs are adorable. You can't lose with a comedy skit when you're including precious felines. Yesterday Team Coco introduced a series of new dog breeds from the faux group called the American Kennel Club. This club has "breeded" a new mix of dogs to make our guiltless lifestyles even more comfortable.