ScreenCrush wraps up the latest in movies and TV you might have missed. Today, Furious 7 reveals a new TV spot, watch a bunch of new footage from Chappie, and learn what David Cronenberg thinks about Josh Trank.

FEATURED: Furious 7 unleashes a brand new TV spot to get you all revved up for the sequel:


- A definitive ranking of Nicholas Sparks movies. [Vanity Fair]

- The Star Wars-y highlights of Marvel’s new Darth Vader comic. [Comics Alliance]


- Will Lee Unkrich’s new Dia de los Muertos project become the first Pixar musical? [Slashfilm]

- David Cronenberg responds to Josh Trank citing his influence for Fantastic Four. [Collider]


- Chappie has revealed a slew of new TV spots.

- And here’s one more TV spot for you, this one for Pixar’s Inside Out.

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