For all the eager beavers headed off to see 'The Amazing Spider-Man' in IMAX at midnight next Thursday night, here's extra incentive -- an exclusive IMAX-only 'Spider-Man' poster, which will be given away to each attendee.

The poster image comes courtesy of our pals at MTV, and it's nothing terribly special. In fact, it looks like the box art for a video game version of the film. Everything reads as too digitally rendered.

Director Marc Webb tweeted on June 12th that the IMAX exclusive poster would be a Mondo poster -- was there some sort of deal that fell through, or was it all a misunderstanding? We doubt Mondo -- the boutique art arm of the Alamo Drafthouse, whose posters are released in very limited editions -- would have partnered with Sony for such a wide release of prints.

Regardless, the film hits theaters July 3, and if you're as stoked about it as we are, you've probably already bought your IMAX tickets for the midnight showing, which means even if you don't like the film, you'll walk away with this delightful reminder of that time you stayed up late and wasted your life. Enjoy!

Spider-Man Poster

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