America’s Got Talent: Episode 24 Review
We always love to hear about the wild card that squeezes through the cracks and catapults into the latest round. Well let's get into the thick of the wild card race for 'America's Got Talent,' shall we?
These two episodes of 'America's Got Talent' are the equivalent of the MLB trying to figure out who will be the additional team to make it into the first round of the playoffs in the post season. Then if that's the case we should assume we're in the post-season for 'America's Got Talent'. They can only vote four acts into the next round, so the heat is definitely on.
The first act they bring back, brought back by Howard Stern, is Spencer Horsman the young escape artist. Despite being rejected, he still continued to create new escape acts in order to make it to the next level. Now that he has this second chance, he's looking to really leave a lasting impression on the audience in one of his most dangerous stunts yet. He tries to unlock himself from a series of padlocks as he's slowly being buried alive at the same time. We must admit it's pretty intense to watch mainly because the concrete poured in rather fast. But what do you know? The crazy kid managed to get out after being submerged for a good fifteen seconds. The judges are absolutely in love with his latest act. Will we be seeing more of him in the near future? Perhaps.
Sharon's first wild card pick happens to be All That!, the all-men clogging dance group who looks a lot manlier than you'd expect. Can they impress the crowd with what they have? The weird graphics behind them (of their clogging group) while they're dancing is a bit odd and boring at the same time. But once one of the main dancers took off his shirt and you see Sharon's giddy reaction to it, you suddenly realize why she picked them. Still, there wasn't too much that really made this act stand out. We agree with Howie, this act wasn't exciting enough to be voted to the next round.
Hey, remember the magician and concert pianist who shared the stage? They were the first act to be booed at, so Jarrett & Raja are going to make due with their second chance. Their act begins with the pianist in a huge wooden box where they trap him. They suspend the box and it explodes only to reveal that Raja, the pianist, isn't in the box at all. He appears at the other end of the room with his piano. We imagine they didn't do this anything like how they did it in 'The Prestige' but it was still just as entertaining to see. Howie's absolutely beaming with joy, especially since they were his wild card pick. They strut their stuff, but it still doesn't beat their magnificent orchestra piece they did in Las Vegas.
Jake Wesley Rogers, we missed you! He was our Buddy Holly-like musician that we loved throughout the competition. Thankfully Sharon brought him back for the wild card round. He sings his own rock-pop version of Lady Gaga's "The Edge of Glory" that the audience can't help but clap for. He makes better use of the stage this time around, popping out as loud as the graphics on that ultra annoying stage. Vote for him America! We'd love to see what this gifted fifteen year old singer can do next.
It's really difficult to balance in general depending on where you're standing. But if you're doing it for a living? Well not many people do that, but Cristin Sandu does. He messed up the last time he was on stage, pretty much cementing his rejection. He handles himself fairly well this time, climbing back up there but isn't able to stay balanced for the duration of his act. Still, despite what happened, all of the judges saluted him for his brave efforts.
Hello again Todd Oliver! He's the ventriloquist who uses his dog as his puppet. The last time he was up on stage Todd Oliver was really funny, but America must not have thought so. Regardless, he gets a second chance and does a great act with "Irving the dog for president." The material was sharp and most of the audience dug it including the judges.
Who are Bandbaz Brothers? They're another balancing act who use each other as platforms essentially. But how will they step this up? By using beams that they both keep in their mouths in order to suspend one of them up in the air. That's right, one of them was able to lift the other merely through a stand being held up by his teeth. Ow, we wonder how his teeth will feel the next day. The judges are wowed by what they were able to do, especially when one of them explains that his grandfather died while performing that trick. Wonder if America was so smacked with amazement that they'll vote them into the next round.
Hooray! We're very happy to see Sebastienn "El Charro De Oro" back at 'America's Got Talent.' The little charmer decides to strut out on stage with his own mariachi version of the song "New York, New York." It's a really great blend of the lyrics sung in both English and Spanish. He really hooked the rest of the audience. We agree with Howard, there's still room for improvement in his voice but man is that kid crazy talented.
Get ready to feel horribly uncomfortable, because the crotch shot prince known as Horse is back. He's saying that he's going back to "his roots," meaning that he'll focus on nothing but getting hit in the nuts as much as possible. That doesn't sound too impressive but after you get hit right away in the crotch with a golf club, we don't really know how much more you can hurt yourself where it'll make the audience cringe. It's the same routine repeated. Crotch hit, repeat. We have to admit it was dull but Howard still enjoyed the hell out of it.
Last on Sharon's wild card list is Lindsey Norton, the solo gymnast who was disappointed to not make it to the latest round. She's determined to make it big and does so with a fiery and slightly slower gymnast act than in previous rounds. It feels like she doesn't have too much to do and should possibly incorporate some more dance moves in order to keep her act lively. There's still room for improvement for this young gymnast but will we be able to see it on the show in the semi-finals? We'll find out tomorrow.
Andrew De Leon, the crazy wonderful opera singer under the guise of a gothic looking kid. He does an absolutely killer opera version of Toni Braxton's "Un-break My Heart." Boy, you can tell that he carries more confidence in his stature and voice as he goes through this performance. Everybody can tell and are blown away by how his act turned out. Howie stated that this is his "night of redemption." We completely agree.
Last up on the stage is Ben Blaque, the daredevil archer who is ready to make audiences nervous with his act once more. He takes it to the next step by using himself as one of the possible targets. His assistant is absolutely terrified over possibly screwing up her part but she's been so well-trained that it ends up not being a problem. He sets off a series of crossbows perfectly placed through the stage that ends with one shooting at an apple on his head. He pulls it off without a hitch as everyone in the audience gives a collective sigh of relief.
Want to know who makes it to the semifinals out of this wild card race? Then check out 'America's Got Talent' tomorrow night to see.
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