Chris Sims
Soon You Can Own the Soundtracks to ‘G.I. Joe’, ‘Transformers’ and Other 80s TV Cartoons
I think the record will show that I'm a pretty big fan of Hasbro's cartoons from the '80s, and one of the things I love most about them is how great the soundtracks are. Not just the theme songs, but the incidental music that provides the background for Jem and the Holograms, or that smooth jazz version of the GI Joe theme that plays under the closing credits. Heck, even in the years before More Than Meets The Eye came along and made me stop hating the Transformers, I still had to admit that the music was pretty great.
The only problem is that I can't listen to it whenever I want, but now, it looks like that problem might be coming to an end. Composer Robert J. Walsh has confirmed that he's remastering the soundtracks for the Hasbro shows, with plans for Sony to release high-end versions that will include new footage and artwork, too.
The Joker’s True Identity: Breaking Down The Possibilities For The Summer’s Big Reveal
If you watched the DC Comics panel at last weekend's WonderCon in Los Angeles, then you saw the reveals of all the titles and most of the creative teams for the company's upcoming "Rebirth" event. Mixed in with those, though, was one more announcement about DC's upcoming plans: When Justice League #50 hits shelves next month as the climax to "The Darkseid War," Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok are planning to give the Joker a "real identity" that will presumably go beyond just being Gotham City's most notoriously murderous clown.
It's a bold move, especially since it's happening in the company's flagship team book rather than in a solo Batman title. In the days since the panel, the news has got a whole lot of people --- myself included --- talking about the possibilities of what we're going to see in April. If the Joker's not just the Joker, then who is he?
The ‘Suicide Squad’ Trailer Recreated With the DC Animated Universe Is Pretty Darn Cool
The trailer for Suicide Squad might have been a little divisive when it came to convincing people that the movie itself was worth seeing, but the one thing we can all agree on was that it was a pretty great trailer. It was put together very well, with music and dialogue that set a tone that no other DC movie has managed to capture. And now, it's been put together again, but with a twist.
YouTube's own Reuven White has re-cut the trailer using footage from the DC Animated Universe, including Batman: The Animated Series, Justice League and more, matching it all up to the audio from the official version, and it's pretty great. Give it a watch!
‘Batman Unlimited’ Is Getting Weirder With a Robot Dinosaur That Eats Criminals
Somehow, Batman Unlimited just keeps getting weirder.
It started as just a line of action figures with an almost infuriatingly off-model bat-symbol, and last week, we told you about the upcoming animated movie based on the toys in which Batman and his pals fight a bunch of animal-themed villains with the help of a robot panther that turns into a motorcycle. I honestly didn't think it could get any stranger than that, but this week at the New York Toy Fair, they went a whole lot further when Mattel introduced plans for this year's line of toys, which include Batman riding CybeRex, a robotic tyrannosaurus that eats criminals.
Super-Flare: How Does Superman’s New Power Compare To All Of Superman’s Other New Powers?
I think we can all agree that if there's one problem with Superman, it's that he doesn't have enough powers. Now, at long last, this glaring oversight is about to be remedied.
In this week's Superman #38, Geoff Johns, John Romita Jr., Klaus Janson and Laura Martin are adding another weapon to the Man of Steel's arsenal for the never-ending battle against the forces of evil, and on top of that, a new costume to go along with it. As for just what that new power is, all we really have is a name provided by an infographic sent over by DC Comics: Super Flare. The good news is that art chosen for the infographic gives us a look at what this new power might involve, but the bad news is that the infographic is woefully incomplete.
The ‘Birdman’ Website’s Michael Keaton Comics Are the Weirdest Things You’ll Read Today
Since it's a movie about an actor best known for playing a superhero, it's not entirely strange for the Birdman movie website to have a section of comics. Unexpected, sure, but it makes a certain kind of sense. The story of the film surrounds an actor whose public persona is tied to a superhero film franchise. Comics could help tie the movie more tightly to that superhero's mythology, and flesh out the world of a film in an interesting and engaging way for fans who are curious to find out more.
But here's the thing: The comics on the Birdman website aren't about Birdman at all. Instead, they're about its star, Michael Keaton, telling strange stories about how he was attacked by Michael Douglas and forced to change his name, how a meeting with Chris Farley involved prophecies of death, and, perhaps strangest of all, a long text piece about Courtney Cox's unfortunate super-powers.
‘LEGO Batman V. Superman’ Fan Film Is The Only Dark Knight/Man Of Steel Fight You’ll Ever Need
We're still over a year away from the big-screen debut of the amazingly titled Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, in which your two favorite DC Comics heroes will be v-ing each other alongside other members of the Justice League, and maybe getting around to fighting an actual supervillain somewhere in hour three, if they have time. If you can't wait, though, I have some good news: BrickNerd Studios has brought you a short film in which the LEGO counterparts of the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel slug it out in brutal combat... for... some reason.
I'm not overselling things when I say that this is the best possible version of this fight that you're likely to see onscreen, and that Hollywood's going to have a hard time topping it in 2016.
The Problem With Harley Quinn…
That's the kind of aesthetic that produced Harley Quinn, and it's worth noting that she was created almost by accident. When she first appears in "Joker's Favor," it's as a one-note joke, a gag character designed to set up the twist of the episode, that the Joker hounds and stalks and threatens this poor nobody over the course of years so that he can open a door as part of a larger scheme. Keep that in mind, too, because the secret of that episode is that it's also Harley Quinn's entire story in miniature.
Top Ten Classic G.I. Joe Comic Book Stories
If there's one thing we've learned from our years on the Internet, it's that there's no aspect of comics that can't be broken down and quantified in a single definitive list, preferably in amounts of ten. And since there's no more definitive authority than ComicsAlliance, we're taking it upon ourselves to compile Top Ten Lists of everything you could ever want to know about comics.