Batman: Arkham Origins Video: Gotham Gameplay Galore
In just under four days, Batman: Arkham Origins arrives on the Xbox 360, PC, PlayStation 3 and Wii U. If you still weren't sure about whether or not to pick up Batman's latest adventure, perhaps this 17 minutes of gameplay footage can coerce you.
In this video, Senior Producer Ben Mattes and Gameplay Director Michael McIntyre take you through an early part of Arkham Origins, where Batman is still an enemy of the Gotham City PD. We get a look at the Batcave, and learn how players will use the secret base to unlock new gadgets and items as the story progresses.
Previously the Batcave was only seen very briefly in the previous entries, but this time around, it plays a much larger role in the game. You can access challenge rooms here, in addition to using it during the campaign. Gotham City itself is also much larger this time around, and as you can see, Batman will use the Batplane to fast-travel to and from key areas.
We won't spoil much more here, as it's better you get to watch the action on your own. Batman: Arkham Origins will be available Oct. 25.
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