We don't know what Cliff Bleszinski is working on now that he's off doing his own thing, but some new concept art for the project may give us a better idea. Then again, after looking at the images, maybe we'll be even more confused.

Back in early August, Bleszinski posted a piece of art from "something he's been working on" to Twitter. The image was cropped according to Cliff, but it seemed to fall in line with what we've seem from the designer before: guns and soldiers.

Then this week, he posted another piece of concept work, though this time it was a bit outside the norm of Cliff's past work. In the image, you can see a referee on the court of what appears to be some sort of basketball-ish sport. There's a team visible on the bench, and they all have some kind of leg implants below the knee. We'd say those things are just socks, but they're awful shiny to be socks.

How do the two images fit together? Well, we don't know. Perhaps like Thrashball in Gears of War, this sport takes place in the world of the soldiers from the first image. Perhaps these are actually two different projects entirely. Cliff only teases that these are from something he's working on, not that they're from the same something.

We're intrigued by what we've seen so far, and hope Cliff doesn't keep us waiting to long to show off more of whatever this mystery project (or projects) is.

Cliff Bleszinski Mystery game
Cliff Bleszinski

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