Wonder Woman First Look Revealed at ‘Batman vs. Superman’ Comic-Con Panel
If it's Saturday at Comic-Con, it's time for the big guns to come out, and Warner Bros. has done that with some serious style. The studio's panel opened with a big, bruising look at 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,' thanks to a new trailer (and more on that to come -- much more!), before director Zack Snyder trotted out stars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, and Gal Gadot to greet their fans.
The foursome didn't have much else to show beyond that first teasing look, oh, except a little something called our first official look at Gadot in costume as Wonder Woman. Nothing too big, right? Wrong! Gadot looks fantastic in character, in a brand new outfit that seems to have jettisoned the traditionally bright and zippy Wonder Woman colors for something much darker (and much more in line with the rest of the look and feel of the upcoming feature). Don't worry, though, she's still got her trademark sword -- and that thing looks like it could do some serious damage. Warner Bros. has already pushed out an official look at Gadot as Wonder Woman, a crisp look that puts our first glance at it to shame. She looks amazing.
Check her out in all her sword-wielding glory. What do you think?
'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' opens on May 6, 2016.
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