‘Escape From Tomorrow,’ the Movie Disney Doesn’t Want You To See, is Coming to Theaters
Earlier this year, 'Escape From Tomorrow' premiered at the Sundance film festival to a great deal of acclaim and surprise. Acclaim because it's apparently pretty compelling. Surprise because almost the entire film was shot at Disneyland and Disney World guerilla-style without the park or anyone from the Disney corporation knowing. Threats of legal action have led to the film laying low for most of the year, but it looks like the instantly controversial film has officially secured a release.
According to the LA Times, director Randy Moore's surreal and pitch-black debut will receive a limited theatrical run and VOD release from PDA, the distributor of acclaimed films like 'Exit Through the Gift Shop' and 'Senna.' It's a ballsy move for a company this small, who risk raising the ire of the biggest entertainment company in the world. Still, it's going to earn them a lot of cred amongst cinephiles -- people have been clamoring to see 'Escape From Tomorrow' ever since they heard about the film and the astonishing story of its creation.
The film follows a businessman who struggles to enjoy the last days of his Disney vacation with his family after he's fired over the phone, leading to all kinds of surreal and uncomfortable situations. Using a tiny crew, consumer cameras and hidden microphones, Moore and his cast were able to film in and around many of Disney's most famous attractions, using the overtly cheery setting to tell an increasingly dark and sordid story. It's the kind of thing that the notoriously protective Disney company would frown upon in a major, "our lawyers cost more than your lawyers" sort of way.
We can't wait to finally check out 'Escape From Tomorrow' when it arrives in theaters and on VOD on October 11. Films with this much nerve are rare and we suspect it'll continue to be a movie worth talking about for a long time to come.
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