‘Flight of the Navigator’ Being Remade by ‘Safety Not Guaranteed’ Team
'Safety Not Guaranteed' director Colin Trevorrow was being buzzed about recently as a possible helmer for 'Star Wars Episode 7.' He recently said he was out of the running (and we may know who the director is), but it's not like he isn't moving on to bigger things. He's now attached (with writing partner Derek Connolly) to Disney's 'Flight of the Navigator' remake.
This comes from Variety, and they note that the remake has been in development since 2009, when 'Arrested Development' writer Brad Copeland was hired on to develop the film. With Trevorrow and Connolly attached, this sounds more like it's actually going to happen in the next couple years.
The original followed a boy who disappeared for eight years only to return the same age, which turns out to be because he was away in outer space. The film did modest business upon release, but like most kids films from the 1980's has attracted a fanbase. Part 'Star Wars,' part 'The Cat From Outer Space,' the original came out in a time when studios were trying to figure out how to successfully rip off George Lucas. It would then be somewhat ironic if this came out in 2015, around the same time as the new 'Star Wars' movie. We'll keep you posted as this moves forward
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