Get Your First Look at the Cast of Shane Black’s ‘Predator’ Sequel
Sometime over the last couple of months, writer-director Shane Black slipped onto Twitter without very many people noticing. While admittedly a bit of a neophyte when it comes to social media, Black has immediately grasped the most important aspects of the platform. You know, sharing funny tweets, complaining about politicians, taking pictures of his dogs, and, oh yeah, throwing out exclusive content from the set of his long-anticipated Predator sequel. You know, just normal, everyday Twitter stuff.
Over the weekend, Black reminded everyone (via ComingSoon.net) that today marked the beginning of production on The Predator and confirmed — in a NSFW description of his feelings about PG-13 movies — that the sequel would receive an R-rating. Not content to stop there, though, Black also shared the first cast photo from his upcoming movie:
Well, then. That’s, uh. That’s awesome.
While no official plot synopsis has been released for the film, Black’s chatty nature about his films has given us a few ideas of what to expect. We know that Jacob Tremblay will play Boyd Holbrook’s child prodigy son who manages to figure out the alien language at some point in the film. We also know that Black wants to revisit the formula from the first film a bit and bring together a cast of characters that are “kinda funny and self-referential and also very tough.” Finally, we know — or are pretty sure, anyways — that the film won’t take place in the suburbs. And that’s probably as good as things are going to get for now.
But one thing that is a cold, hard fact? Those actors are pure fire. With Sterling K. Brown, Olivia Munn, Trevante Rhodes, and Keegan-Michael Key rounding out the cast, we might be looking at one of the most fun and diverse (in every sense of the word) action-thriller casts in a long, long time. Go ahead and circle February 9, 2018 on your calendar, because this is one sequel you will not want to miss.
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