Swedish Film Fest Offers Chance to Watch Movies Alone on an Island
Since 1979, the Gothenburg Film Festival has been one of Sweden’s biggest film events. In a given year, thousands of people flock to the area to watch dozens of from around the world. But as 2021 begins, the coronavirus pandemic continues to disrupt the movie industry, not to mention international air travel. So Gothenburg is, like many of its festival colleagues, going virtual — except for one person.
That one chosen winner will get to experience what the festival is calling “The Isolated Cinema.” For one week, they’ll be totally alone on an island with 60 movies to watch by themselves. According to the festival’s website, the Isolated Cinema is “inaccessibly located at the very edge” of the island of Pater Noster, “in one of Sweden’s most barren, windswept locations.” That’s where one lucky cinephile who does not suffer from autophobia will watch all these movies:
For seven days you will spend your time alone on the island where you will be given full access to the entire film programme at Göteborg Film Festival 2021. You will get supplies for seven days and be transported by boat to and from the island. But once there, it’s just you. And the films. During your stay, you’ll be able to talk about your experience in a video diary that the outside world can follow
There’s even a trailer for The Isolated Cinema experience:
If you want to apply to be the one lucky person to get this truly one-of-a-kind film festival experience you can do so here. Applications must be received by January 17. The fine print says “you commit to living in isolation on the island of Pater Noster, completely without contact with the outside world, for a week from January 30 to February 6, 2021” and also need to be available a week prior to help plan your visit and to personalize the volleyball that will be your only companion for the duration of your stay. (Okay, I made that last part up.) Disconnecting completely from reality to do nothing but watch movies for an entire week? I cannot imagine a more appealing offer right now.
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