Watch Marty and Doc Arrive in the Real 2015 on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’
How was your Future Day? Did you call anyone a bojo? Get into an altercation with bionically-modified street toughs? Get bummed out that the Cubs won’t actually win the World Series this year? Take out a second loan on your house to afford a down payment on some sneakers with power laces?
I’ll tell you who had a good Future Day: Marty McFly and Doc Brown themselves, Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd, who arrived at the real October 21, 2015 to find it very different than the one they first visited back in 1989’s Back to the Future Part II. Instead of hoverboards and robot photographers, they wandered into a taping of the TV show of Jimmy Kimmel Live, where they quizzed Kimmel on the state of “the future,” wondered what happened to Johnny Carson, and marveled at the miniature supercomputer device he kept in his pocket (aka his iPhone). Plus there’s a very special cameo from a certain musician who once, long ago, preached about the power of love. (Plus, in this clip, Fox shows off his new Nike Mag sneakers with working power laces!)
Late night viral videos are a curious thing; they make one man weep, make another man sing. Or, in this case, they make a lot of people smile (particularly the nice cross-series cameo from former Late Show with David Letterman stage manager Biff Henderson). 30 years later, Fox and Lloyd are still great together, and Lloyd, although a little iffy on a couple of his lines, can still channel that Doc Brown character perfectly.
It will be interesting to see what happens to these movies now that Back to the Future is entirely a thing of the past. For the last couple years, a lot of the interest in the films has been fueled by excitement over the fact that its future was rapidly becoming our present. Will people keep watching them now? I think so. As long as the dream of hoverboards remains in the hearts and minds of teenagers everywhere, there will always be Back to the Future.
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