We’re all getting pretty stoked for the release of ‘Jurassic World’ next summer, which—according to that first trailer—will apparently feature the vicious and highly intelligent velociraptors teaming up with Chris Pratt’s character. Although that trailer featured quite a bit of CGI, we’ve been assured by director Colin Trevorrow that he still employed a healthy amount of practical effects, much like Steven Spielberg’s original ‘Jurassic Park’—which surprisingly took a practical approach to creating those famous raptors. You can see just how they pulled it off in this new video.

The dinosaurs in ‘Jurassic Park’ only took up 14 minutes of screen time in total, and only four of those 14 minutes used CGI—the rest of the dinos were brought to life via puppetry and animatronics, which lent them a more realistic appearance. The above video was posted by the Stan Winston School, and explores how legendary special effects wizard Stan Winston created the raptor suits which were worn and operated by humans. All of the tests for the raptor suits are featured in the video, which shows us the evolution of the velociraptor creation.

Here’s the video’s official description:

Stan Winston Studio created multiple raptors for JURASSIC PARK, including full-size cable-controlled puppets, half-puppets, insert legs and men-in-suits. This exclusive “Making of” video, narrated by raptor suit performer, 25-year SWS supervisor & co-founder of Legacy Effects, John Rosengrant, walks you through the evolution of JURASSIC PARK’s raptor suits, from first foam fabricated “garbage bag test” to the finished suits that you see in the final film.

We’re not quite sure if Trevorrow used similar raptor suits for ‘Jurassic World,’ but it would be a pretty fantastic way to honor the first film—and it would probably look better than CGi versions. We’ve made many advances in CGI technology in the 20 years since the release of ‘Jurassic Park,’ but there’s simply no substitute for the wonders of practical effects.

‘Jurassic World’ hits theaters on June 12, 2015.

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