Yesterday, a new 'The Hangover Part 3' poster spotlighting John Goodman's mysterious character arrived. Well, it looks like it was the first in a series. Now, a new character poster has popped up online showcasing one of the trilogy's most divisive characters: Ken Jeong's Mr. Chow.

Originally a villain in the first film (you probably remember his stark naked introduction from the trunk of Alan's father's car), Chow was shoehorned into the second film and now he's back for round three. Hopefully, there will be a good reason for him to meet up with the Wolf Pack this time around.

Like the last poster, the new one-sheet ominously informs that that "It Ends" and assures us that this is the last of the 'Hangover' movies. Unlike the last poster, this one is about as far from subdued as you can get, with Ken Jeong parachuting in from the sky, doing his Ken Jeong thing.

[UPDATE: And 'The Hangover 3' posters just keep looks like we'll get to see a new one-sheet every day until the new trailer premieres. So bookmark this page and check back to see all the new ones that pop up.]

'The Hangover Part 3' opens on Mar 24th.

Warner Bros.
Warner Bros.
The Hangover 3 Poster
Warner Bros.
Hangover 3 Poster Bradley Cooper
Warner Bros.
Hangover 3 Poster
Warner Bros.

And just in case you missed the John Goodman 'Hangover 3' poster...

Warner Bros.
Warner Bros.

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