‘Man of Steel 2’ Rumored to Be on ‘Permanent Hold,’ Whatever That Means
Just last week we heard the rumor that Mad Max: Fury Road director George Miller is in talks with Warner Bros. to helm Man of Steel 2 — that seemed a bit surprising, but even more surprising is today’s rumor that Man of Steel 2 might not be happening anytime soon.
According to Den of Geek, their sources have confirmed that Miller has been in talks with WB, though his talks aren’t specifically related to Man of Steel 2. Miller is reportedly considering various DC projects, but it all depends on finding the right story for his interests, getting WB to agree to whatever he wants to do, and making sure the cast he wants is available. Basically, this report sounds like WB is happy to give Miller full control, as they should be.
But according to one of the site’s sources, Man of Steel 2 — while not off the table entirely — is on “permanent hold.” That sounds pretty similar to “indefinitely delayed,” which doesn’t necessarily mean that WB isn’t planning a Man of Steel sequel, just that it’s not really their priority for the time being. WB’s schedule of DC movies doesn’t include a sequel to Man of Steel, but Henry Cavill will be putting in plenty of time as Superman between Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and both Justice League films. He could also make cameo appearances in other DC movies, of course.
WB also has their hands pretty full as they’ve reportedly begun developing a new Batman trilogy, and given the successes of past films, Batman movies are easy money.
We’ll see Superman again when Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters on March 25, 2016.
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