Watch Matt Damon Prank People for a Good Cause
“The call is for you.”
A stranger drops a phone in your lap. It starts ringing. You answer to a man’s voice but he calls you Steven. He sounds desperate. “I’m gonna ask you something and I need the answer to be yes.” You’re not Steven. What do you do?
What you don’t know is the man is Matt Damon, promoting his new film Jason Bourne. Damon recently partnered up with Omaze to produce this side-splitting prank video where he tosses strangers right into a real-life spy movie and sits back to watch them wrestle with the tough questions, like “Is this for real?” and “Do I have to buy a hot dog? I don’t usually eat pork.”
But the video isn’t just for our entertainment, (or to give us that undeniable glow of schadenfreude). In conjunction with the film, Omaze is offering the opportunity to win free tickets to the Jason Bourne premiere this summer, with all the proceeds from the competition going to Water.org. The charity brings water and sanitation to places all over the world, including Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and at only $10 to enter it’s a pretty small price for a worthy cause. The film, which is due out on July 29, is the fifth film of the Bourne series and signals Damon’s triumphant return to the title role, after letting Jeremy Renner take the reins for 2012’s The Bourne Legacy.
The video gets us thinking: What would I do in that position? Dropkick the man who leaves the phone and demand information? Follow the trail all the way to the top, find the villain, and save the world? Or, probably, be the smart guy who just drops the phone in the grass and walks away. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
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