Michael Fassbender Puts On His ‘Frank’ Head to Perform on ‘The Colbert Report’
Pretty much everything you need to know about the Michael Fassbender-starring 'Frank' is contained in the above video. The offbeat Sundance pick is about a musical dreamer who joins up with a hip band, The Soronprfbs, and is intrigued by their nutty leader (Frank, played by Fassbender), a genius who insists on wearing a giant fake head all the time. He's...a little strange.
Fassbender and The Soronprfbs hit 'The Colbert Report' earlier this week, to the delight of both host Stephen Colbert and his studio audience. Fassbender gave a traditional interview, but then he broke out the big guns, performing some Soronprfbs songs in character -- you know, with a giant fake head on top of his own head. Art.
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