The resume of concept artist Jehan Choo revealed he worked on an unannounced game at Visceral. The game in question was stated to be in development for the PlayStation 4 and next Xbox console.

Choo's personal website hosted the original post, but it has since been taken down (though not before being spotted by superannuation). In his work listing, he claimed to have finished "pre-vis environments, mood pieces, and texture work for a PS4/Xbox 720 title" at Visceral during the first three months of 2013.

Unfortunately, at this time there's very little else to offer in regards to what this new title might become. EA did announce Visceral was one of three studios working on new Star Wars games for Lucasfilm, but the timeline of Choo's work is just a tad bit early for him to have been working on one of those games. Unless Visceral was working on something in the hopes it would become a Star Wars game, which is very unlikely.

With Microsoft making an announcement about its new Xbox today at 1PM, both next generation consoles will have been revealed. EA is promoting a lot of titles with Microsoft, so we may learn more about Visceral's game later this afternoon, or even by E3 in a few weeks.

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