‘Penguins of Madagascar’ Mockumentary: Benedict Cumberbatch and John Malkovich Take Method Acting to a New Level
There are some actors who take their work very, very seriously—Daniel Day Lewis or Christian Bale, for instance. Guys who fully immerse themselves in their characters so much that they become the people they’re playing. This method of acting is respectable, sure, but the latest ‘Penguins of Madagascar’ featurette has a little fun with it, as Benedict Cumberbatch, John Malkovich, and the rest of the voice cast show off just how committed they were to playing their animated animal roles.
You might not be that excited for the animated ‘Penguins of Madagascar’ spinoff movie, but this new featurette is actually pretty amusing and highlights a game team of actors with excellent humor. Cumberbatch, plays Agent Classified, a wolf who must team up with the penguins to help them stop Malkovich’s evil octopus Dr. Octavius Brine. In this mockumentary, Cumberbatch shows how dedicated he was to canine methodology, but he just couldn’t learn how to wolf-bark. Malkovich spent a lot of time becoming one with the octopus form, while Ken Jeong confused Navy SEAL with baby seal, and so on. There’s also Tom McGrath, back to voice lead penguin Skipper, and he wasn’t immune to the method acting approach, either.
While most featurettes tend to delve into all the hard work and serious preparation that goes into making a film, this one has a bit more fun with it, and why not? This is a movie for kids, after all. And maybe after watching this featurette, you’ll be sold, too.
‘Penguins of Madagascar’ hits theaters on November 26.
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