‘Sinister 2’ Red Band Trailer: Bughuul is Back and He’s Still NSFW
Sinister 2 has unveiled a new red band trailer, which is the horror movie marketing way of making it totally clear to your intended audience that their admission will buy them 90 or so minutes of good stuff. And by good stuff, we mean blood and gore and screaming and yelling and maybe even an f-bomb or two. You probably shouldn’t watch this trailer at work, but nothing in this trailer is going to turn you off if you enjoyed the first entry.
With original director Scott Derrickson off making Doctor Strange for Marvel, directing duties have fallen to Ciaran Foy. He may not be a household name, but genre fans may know Foy from Citadel, the 2012 minor gem of a horror movie that surely got him this gig. With an actual budget and a known franchise, this is his chance to showcase his skills for a much bigger audience. No pressure, guy.
Since it would be, uh, difficult to make a direct sequel to the original Sinister, the sequel follows a mostly new cast as they’re menaced by Bughuul, aka, Mr. Boogey, aka, the ancient demon that brainwashes kids into killing their parents (and has made a legion of young ghost filmmakers in the process, which must sound really weird to people who haven’t watched the last movie). This time around, he’s terrorizing a mother and her twin sons who have recently moved into a farmhouse with a dark past. You’d think the characters in horror movies would know better than to move into farmhouses with dark pasts, but noooo.
Sinister 2 opens on August 21, 2015.
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