25 Movies With Surprising Rotten Tomatoes Scores25 Movies With Surprising Rotten Tomatoes ScoresYou might be shocked by the scores these famous movies received.Matt SingerMatt Singer
‘The Incredible Hulk’ Is Finally On Disney+‘The Incredible Hulk’ Is Finally On Disney+Hulk smash streaming.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Why Ang Lee’s ‘Hulk’ Is the First Real MCU MovieWhy Ang Lee’s ‘Hulk’ Is the First Real MCU MovieYou heard us.ScreenCrush StaffScreenCrush Staff
This Week’s ‘She-Hulk’ Set Up Some Huge Marvel Villain DebutsThis Week’s ‘She-Hulk’ Set Up Some Huge Marvel Villain DebutsSome of the biggest Marvel villains ever are on the way.Matt SingerMatt Singer
‘She-Hulk’ Finally Explains Abomination’s ‘Shang-Chi’ Cameo‘She-Hulk’ Finally Explains Abomination’s ‘Shang-Chi’ CameoFinally, it all make sense.Cody McintoshCody Mcintosh
The ‘She-Hulk’ Premiere Was Originally the Season FinaleThe ‘She-Hulk’ Premiere Was Originally the Season FinaleWell that’s quite a change.Cody McintoshCody Mcintosh
‘She-Hulk’ Just Set Up a Major Marvel Movie‘She-Hulk’ Just Set Up a Major Marvel MovieCould we finally get another Hulk film?ScreenCrush StaffScreenCrush Staff
The Weirdest Marvel Comics Ever PublishedThe Weirdest Marvel Comics Ever PublishedWow, Marvel has done some weird stuff through the years...Matt SingerMatt Singer
The Best Marvel Heroes Who Aren’t In the MCU YetThe Best Marvel Heroes Who Aren’t In the MCU YetWe can’t wait for these characters to get their own movies and shows.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Donald Trump’s Walk of Fame Star Smashed By Man in Hulk CostumeDonald Trump’s Walk of Fame Star Smashed By Man in Hulk CostumeHulk smashed, apparently.Matt SingerMatt Singer