The Shining

‘The Shining’ Prequel Producer Says It’s ‘Its Own Film’
‘The Shining’ Prequel Producer Says It’s ‘Its Own Film’
‘The Shining’ Prequel Producer Says It’s ‘Its Own Film’
If anyone can make us interested in a prequel to The Shining, it’s director Mark Romanek, who translated a successful music video career into a curious film career. Romanek has only directed two — arguably perfect — films, but the time between One Hour Photo and Never Let Me Go proved to be well worth the wait. When Romanek was announced for The Overlook Hotel, it hardly mattered that he was making a prequel to Stanley Kubrick’s horror masterpiece — but according to producer James Vanderbilt, he’s technically not doing that.
Watch Adam Savage Recreate the Hedge Maze From 'The Shining'
Watch Adam Savage Recreate the Hedge Maze From 'The Shining'
Watch Adam Savage Recreate the Hedge Maze From 'The Shining'
Of all the most intricate designs in film history, the hedge maze from Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining stands out—not only is it a beautiful and intimidating design, but the maze itself is rather disquieting, particularly in the context of the film’s climax. Kubrick didn’t just utilize the outdoor hedge maze, but also a smaller replica, which Jack Nicholson hovers over during one of the film’s memorable scenes. And now the hedge maze (and its identical replica) have been replicated by MythBusters host Adam Savage, who painstakingly recreated the maze in this awesome video.
Watch Jack Nicholson Prep for 'The Shining' Axe Scene
Watch Jack Nicholson Prep for 'The Shining' Axe Scene
Watch Jack Nicholson Prep for 'The Shining' Axe Scene
Stanley Kubrick’s ‘The Shining’ is inarguably one of the greatest horror films ever made (although many would argue—including Stephen King—that it’s not the best adaptation of its source material), featuring a ferociously great performance from Jack Nicholson. We’ve seen a lot of actors take the “method” approach, but it’s rare that we see their process as they prepare for a scene, especially one as intense as the famous axe scene from ‘The Shining.’ And thanks to this rare behind the scenes footage, you can watch how Nicholson got pumped up before he terrorized co-star Shelley Duvall.
Stephen King is No Fan of ‘Room 237′ Calls It “Academic Bulls—“
Stephen King is No Fan of ‘Room 237′ Calls It “Academic Bulls—“
Stephen King is No Fan of ‘Room 237′ Calls It “Academic Bulls—“
Stephen King, the horror maestro behind dozens of great and plenty of terrible novels, recently sat down for his first extended interview in 15 years and revealed himself to be just like your smart, political and odd uncle. Well, an uncle that really, really hates 'Room 237' and Stanley Kubrick's 'The Shining.'
Clever New IKEA Commercial Parodies Stanley Kubrick’s ‘The Shining’
Clever New IKEA Commercial Parodies Stanley Kubrick’s ‘The Shining’
Clever New IKEA Commercial Parodies Stanley Kubrick’s ‘The Shining’
We live in a world where commercial directors speak (and breathe and live) the same pop culture language as the people they've been hired to peddle all kinds of products to. The result: television advertisements have gotten more clever, more specific, and most importantly, more ready to become instant viral sensations on the internet. A new IKEA commercial, whose release in the chilly weeks of October is no coincidence, cleverly parodies one of the most famous horror movies of all time and it's pretty cool.
'Shining' Prequel Gets Director
'Shining' Prequel Gets Director
'Shining' Prequel Gets Director
What a difference a director makes: the thought of a prequel to 'The Shining' makes us roll our eyes hard, but the thought of Mark Romanek directing a prequel to 'The Shining' makes our ears perk up. If you are going to make a prequel to one of the coldest and weirdest horror movies of all time, you might as well hire one of the coldest and weirdest directors working today...
See the Cast of 'The Shining' Then and Now
See the Cast of 'The Shining' Then and Now
See the Cast of 'The Shining' Then and Now
In 1980, visionary director Stanley Kubrick released 'The Shining,' a psychological horror film based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King. 'The Shining' follows writer Jack Torrance as he takes his family up to an isolated hotel to work on completing his novel. While there, his son discovers he has psychic powers, and Jack himself begins a descent into murderous madness. It's been 33 yea
More Redrum, Please
More Redrum, Please
More Redrum, Please
Yes, that prequel to 'The Shining' is still happening, but we're a little more hopeful now that 'Walking Dead' veteran Glen Mazzara has been hired to pen the script.
‘The Shining Forwards and Backwards’ Review
‘The Shining Forwards and Backwards’ Review
‘The Shining Forwards and Backwards’ Review
“I'm going to get absolutely wrecked and watch two prints of the 'The Shining' projected over one another, one of which in reverse, and assault my senses to terrifying imagery letting my usual methods of interpreting story get tossed to the seas of synchromysticism.” That was the plan at Fantastic Fest 2012 and, should the tinfoil hat Warhol-esque experiment known as 'The Shining Forwards and Back