‘The Raid 2′ Details Emerge: When Does It Take Place?
'The Raid: Redemption' was one of the nicest surprises of 2012; a tour de force by director Gareth Evans that makes most Hollywood action films look like kid stuff. It was quickly announced that a sequel would be forthcoming to continue the adventure of SWAT team badass Rama (Iko Uwais), and today we've got some small but interesting details from the director himself regarding what we can expect.
Taking to Twitter, Evans left us a few juicy morsels regarding the sequel, which is titled 'Berandal': "Ok Raid 2 tidbit, we start shooting on January 19th and the first scene takes place 2hrs after the first film ends."
Those of us who have seen 'The Raid' nod our heads knowingly, as that film's conclusion seems like it'll naturally lead up to further confrontations and chaos. Evans wasn't done tantalizing us, however. He followed that tweet up with this one: "A fishing shack, Rama, Bowo, a zip tied Wahyu and a box of tapes." Interesting...
Back in the spring of last year, Evans warned us not to expect more of the same with 'Berandal,' telling MTV that the sequel is "going to be a big departure in a way, in that we won't just copy the same formula as the first film." He went on to say that instead of the claustrophobic isolation of the tenement building in the first one, we can expect the mayhem to be taken into the streets. Seems as though the entire scope of the sequel is bigger this time around.
Consider us more than anxious to get pummeled by Evans and his team once more.
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