Titus Welliver Forced to Leave TNT’s ‘The Last Ship,’ Replaced By Equally Awesome Adam Baldwin
One pilot we've certainly kept our eye on for the coming season is that of TNT's Michael Bay-produced 'The Last Ship,' and not solely for the number of explosions likely inherent. Among such big-name casting choices as 'Grey's Anatomy' cast-off Eric Dane and the lovely Rhona Mitra, we were intrigued to learn that 'LOST' and 'Supernatural' star Titus Welliver was to take a part. An emergency has forced Welliver out of the series, but 'Chuck's Adam Baldwin sounds like a fine replacement to us!
Interesting, if somewhat troubling news coming out of TNT's Michael Bay-produced post-apocalyptic naval drama 'The Last Ship,' as before filming has begun actor Titus Welliver was forced to depart the project. According to Deadline, Welliver left to tend to a family emergency, though it isn't quite certain of the nature. Reportedly, Welliver's wife had recently been ill.
However, TNT has made another fine casting choice to replace Welliver, that of former 'Chuck' and one-time 'Firefly' star Adam Baldwin, in his first post-'Chuck' regular role. Baldwin will play Mike Slattery, second in command to Captain Tom Chandler (Eric Dane) on board the USS Nathan James and a family man who occasionally clashes with his superior on the best course of action. The TNT drama takes its base from the William Brinkley novel of the same name, which sees a global catastrophe devastating the Earth and leaving the crew of a Naval destroyer among its only survivors.
Given the nature of his departure, TNT might look to find Welliver another role on the series when his family emergency abates, should the show be taken to series. Will you watch 'The Last Ship' on TNT?
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