With the movie out in a month, the viral marketing for 'Transformers 4' has entered full swing and the results are certainly dramatic. Like the best online marketing gimmicks, a new series of videos and posters treat the world of 'Transformers' as actual reality and present themselves as anti-machine propaganda. A new teaser is actually a video asking humanity to never forget the invasion of Chicago by alien robots (as seen in 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon') and the new posters are propaganda signs, rallying people to "keep Earth human."

Everything can be found at TransformersAreDangerous.com, which has the video (shown above), the posters (shown below) and a cool page featuring newspaper headlines from around the world, each of them reporting on the events of the previous film. It's all fairly effective stuff and a reminder that this latest film is a soft reboot of the entire franchise, putting all of the Autobots in a completely new world and surrounding them with a completely fresh cast of human characters.

Of course, a nifty viral marketing campaign doesn't ensure a coherent screenplay and set of characters who aren't shrill and nonsensical, but what do we know? The last three movies made a bajillion dollars. Paramount and director Michael Bay would be fools to try anything else.

'Transformers 4' (officially titled 'Transformers: Age of Extinction') opens this June 27.

Transformers 4 Posters Keep Earth Human
Transformers 4 Posters Keep Earth Human

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