Joss Whedon Launches Get Out the Vote Campaign With the Help of a Whole Bunch of Avengers
Joss Whedon quit Twitter back in 2015 after he decided that the social media platform’s pervasive negativity, anger, and outright hatred was too toxic to endure. (Where could he possibly get that idea from?) But this morning, like a phoenix or vampire slayer rising from the ashes, Whedon returned to Twitter with a new handle, and a new project: A get-out-the-vote campaign called Save the Day.
The centerpiece of the site at the moment (beyond its easy-to-use tools for voter registration) is a video by Whedon, featuring many of his most beloved collaborators. The Avengers are represented by Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Don Cheadle, Cobie Smulders, and Mark Ruffalo, and you’ll also catch Firefly and Serenity’s Nathan Fillion, SNL’s Tarran Killam, The West Wing’s Martin Sheen, and many more. They all want you to vote, and if you do, Mark Ruffalo will do a nude scene in his next movie. Whedon told Buzzfeed this is the first of at least six Save the Day videos he wrote and directed, with more possible after that.
If you don’t like the political message of Whedon and company’s film, I’m very sorry. (On the bright side, we’ve totally fixed that toxic atmosphere of hate on Twitter, so he shouldn’t have any problems whatsoever over there about this!) But please do vote. If you won’t do it for your children, and for the future of our country and our planet, do it for the people all over the world who want to see Mark Ruffalo’s little hulk. (#MakeMarkBeNaked)