There has always been a friendly rivalry between Marvel and DC Comics, and their devoted legions of fans. This has been true for the years and years of comic books and is just as much true now as both look to dominate the superhero movie landscape. But, that friendly rivalry may have gotten a little more heated over the weekend as Aquaman himself threw down his trident to let everyone know how he really feels: “F--- Marvel.”

According to Comic Book Movie, Momoa was at Indiana Comic Con and one fan approached the Batman vs. Superman star with a copy of his recent “Unite the Seven” poster and a request: “Can you write down a reason why all these DC haters out there should join our DC universe.” And, here's his brief, but effective, pitch.

Aquaman Fuck Marvel
Comic Book Movie

Well, he certainly has very nice penmanship!

It's an interesting autography and one Warner Bros. and DC would likely rather Momoa not be signing, but the actor has always proven himself to be a colorful character who's not afraid of speaking his mind. He's likely just having a big of fun and Marvel fans probably shouldn't be getting themselves too upset or defensive. And, frankly, this is the attitude that DC needs right now. Instead of looking up to Marvel as something to be copied and mimicked, they should be worrying about their own films with precisely this kind of attitude. Neither Marvel nor DC should be concerned with what either is doing.

As Batman vs. Superman draws closer and the Justice League movies start ramping up, the Marvel vs. DC “debate” will continue to grow stronger. But, let's be honest: this is a great time for all superhero movie fans. Now we just wait for Robert Downey, Jr. to fire back.

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