Every so often, we end up regretting one of the more promising pilots that doesn't make it to series, particularly one as close to our hearts as Brian Michael Bendis' superhero procedural 'Powers.'  The project was reported to be in development since 2010, but FX passed on the pilot.  Who's saying now that the show might still make it to series?

According to various reports from both the pilot's writer Charles Eglee, and comic book 'Powers' original creator Brian Michael Bendis, FX may still decide to move forward with the superhero TV series.  Much acclaim surrounded the initial creation and casting of a pilot, though FX opted not to move forward with it sometime last January.

'Powers' follows detectives Christian Walker and Deena Pilgrim, two Homicide division inhabiting a world regularly menaced by the struggles between superhero and supervillain, or "Powers" to which they're referred.  Walker also acts as liason to the super-powered community given his own past among them.  Previously, Jason Patric and Lucy Punch has been cast in the roles of Walker and Pilgrim.

When asked on the status of the series, comic creator Brian Michael Bendis says, “based on the pilot the network ordered a handful of new scripts for new episodes and the writers should be handing them in soon. It’s slow and steady but we are still alive."  Similarly, 'Powers' pilot writer Charles Eglee confirmed the project as still alive during a recent engagement at the “Nerdist Writer’s Panel," insisting that that AMC's ordering of Robert Kirkman's 'Thief of Thieves' wouldn't affect 'Powers.'  “We’re actually moving forward with it,” Eglee said.

Explaining that a first season of 'Powers' would likely hinge on the comic storyline of "Who Killed Retro Girl," Eglee also explained his take on the series, saying:

My background is really more kind of cop stuff; cop and law.  And my approach to the show was a little more superhero-adjacent as opposed to it being a superhero show because I really don't know much about that world, and I'm not particularly adept in telling those stories.

So I was approaching it as if it was a straight cop show. It just so happens that the world was populated by these entities that have various powers and abilities and are able to create mayhem that our guys have to deal with in a legitimate cop procedural way.

We're excited that there's still a chance, but what do you think?  Does 'Powers' sound strong enough to move forward as a series?  Give us your mighty opinion in the comments below!

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