When BB-8 rolled across the screen in the very first teaser for Star Wars: The Force Awakens we heard a couple of cute R2-D2-esque beeps which we assumed were BB-8's sound effects. We heard similar sound effects when BB-8 appeared on stage at Star Wars Celebration, but those sounds were reportedly temporary until Lucasfilm settled on BB-8's official “voice.” Thanks to a new LEGO commercial, we may have our best indicator of what the new droid sounds like in the finished film.

Okay, it’s not hugely mind-blowing — BB-8 sounds similar to R2-D2 with the same sort of chirps and whirrs we’ve gotten used to hearing in the Star Wars universe. The sounds are slightly more mature than the cuter beeps we heard in the first teaser, but that’s about it. Yep. This is what BB-8 will probably sound like in the movie.

As the commercial teases, BB-8 is on the run from Kylo Ren and a batch of First Order Stormtroopers — obviously, everyone’s new favorite droid is on the side of the good guys. Everyone’s new favorite droid has been soaking up a bit more of the spotlight over the past week, with its very own cover on a special edition issue of Empire and a feature on StarWars.com detailing the making-of BB-8.

We’ll learn a bit more about why BB-8 is running from Kylo Ren when Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits theaters on December 18.

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