Neil Patrick Harris

Neil Patrick Harris Set to Host 66th Annual Tony Awards
Neil Patrick Harris Set to Host 66th Annual Tony Awards
Neil Patrick Harris Set to Host 66th Annual Tony Awards
Human Swiss Army knife Neil Patrick Harris, star of TV's 'How I Met Your Mother' and veteran of several movies and Broadway stage shows, has again been tapped to host the Great White Way's biggest night -- he'll helm this year's Tony Awards on June 10.
Neil Patrick Harris Talks Crazy Fan Tattoo on Conan
Neil Patrick Harris Talks Crazy Fan Tattoo on Conan
Neil Patrick Harris Talks Crazy Fan Tattoo on Conan
Sometimes a fan will go to great distances to show they are a celebrities' number one fan. Some watch all of their movies and hangs posters of them all over the walls; some send letters, and others, the intense die hard fans, get portrait tattoos of their favorite superstar.
‘How I Met Your Mother’ Review: “Karma”
‘How I Met Your Mother’ Review: “Karma”
‘How I Met Your Mother’ Review: “Karma”
'How I Met Your Mother' season 7 lovingly recounts the tale of its eighteenth episode of the season, as Ted struggles with what to do over Robin’s now-vacant room, while Robin learns about life in the suburbs from Marshall and Lily, and Barney pursues Quinn (Becki Newton) in spite of her profession as a stripper. Last week’s 'How I Met Your Mother' “No Pressure” saw Ted and Robin finally putting t