Creep made a huge splash with its debut on Netflix in 2015, and cemented Mark Duplass as one of cinema’s most unsettling actors. The first movie generated enough buzz that Duplass has returned for a sequel, reprising his role as the serial killer obsessed with being videotaped, and has lured another potential victim to his lair. In the first image from the movie, Duplass looks terrifying as he swings that ominous locket.

Take a look:

Blumhouse Productions
Blumhouse Productions

The first Creep focused on a man who answers a Craigslist ad for another man, who calls himself Josef (Duplass), who wants to be filmed throughout the day for a period of time. The already weird situation gets even weirder when Josef keeps scaring his poor videographer, and ultimately kills him, filming the murder, and revealing that he’s done this quite a few times when he places the videotape in a cabinet full of DVDs of his previous murders. In that movie, he gives his victim a locket full of photos, and it looks like he’ll do so again in Creep 2.

Here’s the synopsis for the sequel, which will make you scream, “WHY WOULD YOU EVER DO THAT??”

Sara (Desiree Akhavan) is a video artist whose primary focus is creating intimacy with lonely men. After finding an ad online for ‘video work’ she thinks she may have found the subject of her dreams. She drives to a remote house in the forest and meets a man claiming to be a serial killer (Duplass). Unable to resist the chance to create a truly shocking piece of art, she agrees to spend the day with him. However, as the day goes on she discovers she may have dug herself into a hole she can’t escape.

Creep 2 hits all digital platforms on October 24.

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