David Duchovny Says Another ‘X-Files’ Season Needs More Episodes
For all the anticipation going into FOX’s X-Files revival, few would argue that the awkward balance of mythology and stand-alone episodes over six hours made it difficult to gain much traction. Time will tell if Chris Carter, Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny manage to coordinate for an eleventh season revival, though Duchovny at least believes the next round would need more than six episodes to do right.
Where previously we’d heard from showrunner Chris Carter that he and FOX had ideally envisioned more than the six episodes Duchovny and Anderson ended up available for, Duchovny spoke to TVInsider of the potential to film additional episodes, especially to resolve that notable cliffhanger. In addition to his work on NBC’s Aquarius, the erstwhile Fox Mulder believes a larger number of episodes could ideally recapture that ‘90s magic:
We are talking about [Season 11], and like before, it’s a matter of getting the three principal people in the same room for a significant amount of time to shoot it. Last time, it obviously took nearly 10 years [to get us all together again], so hopefully it won’t take that long. And I think there were too few episodes. Twenty-two is far too many, but six is too few, so we’ve got to figure out something right in between.
Just last month, FOX boss Dana Walden updated on the series that nothing came together in time for 2016’s development cycle, though the interim year might bring about the necessary discussions:
I believe everyone is on board to do another installment of the show … Hopefully, this time next year we will have more news.
Duchovny himself made the point that six episodes took long enough to assemble, so might a higher episode order place additional X-Files even further into the future? Would an extended run even raise the same anticipation, given the first revival’s struggle?
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