Jack Your Ponytail Into This New Peek at Disney’s ‘Avatar’ Theme Park
The Avatar-industrial complex churns along apace today, with a new peek into Walt Disney World’s forthcoming theme park modeled after James Cameron’s unforgettable — in that we are all constantly reminded of its existence — sci-fi/fantasy blockbuster. Oh My Disney has a crop of new images giving prospective visitors an early eyeful of the various attractions to be enjoyed at what is officially named “Pandora — The World of Avatar.” And it looks like the many devotees of the franchise and its lore have lots to look forward when the park officially opens this summer.
Feast your eyes on the bridge through which travelers to Pandora can enter this alien world, a rusty human construct that’s already been overtaken by nature, with vines entwined around the beams:
Take a gander at the bustle and hustle of the “Satu’li Canteen,” the park’s main food court, where grimacing parents can look forward to dropping, like, six dollars on a soda. The real question: Will adventurous gourmands be able to sample Na’vi-specific cuisine? Those neon-colored gigantic dragons looked delicious.
From there, it’s on to Windtraders, or as parents might say (through gritted teeth), the gift shop. It’s here that T-shirts, stuffed Sam Worthingtons, clip-on orifice-braids, and freeze-dried dragon steaks will be sold. Presumably.
But it’s the rides that truly dazzle at this Colossus-of-Rhodes-esque shrine to James Cameron and his filmmaking might. On "Avatar: Flight of Passage," visitors ride the gigantic flying lizards apparently called Mountain Banshees and soar above the forests of Pandora, drinking in the sights of this verdant world.
Destined to be the site of countless acid freakouts, the Na’vi River Journey puts explorers on a lazy river through the nighttime heart of Pandora's jungles. The bioluminescent flora makes for quite a sight:
And for a little bonus, here's a short introductory video posted to Walt Disney World's official Twitter page, in which a polite Na’vi native welcomes all curious parties to the park:
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