Dwayne Johnson Offers Us a Behind the Scenes Look at ‘Fast 8’
Few movie stars understand the power of social media quite as well as Dwayne Johnson. Whether he’s using his Instagram account to announce upcoming projects or putting together a teaser trailer for a brand new YouTube channel, the artist formerly known as The Rock takes every chance he can to connect with his fans and give them a chance to see what life is like for one of Hollywood’s most in-demand movie stars.
So it’s no surprise that Johnson has made some time to document his experiences on the set of Fast 8. In the two Instagram posts below, Johnson gives us a quick glimpse at the proper technique for throwing yourself across the set in reaction to an explosion; we also see a visibly tired Johnson getting set up for an outdoor action sequence.
A lil' kiss kiss bang bang. #OnSet #Fast8 #PlayinWithFire #IcemanCometh
A video posted by therock (@therock) on
It looks like Johnson is having a good time on set, but then again, when exactly does Johnson not look like he’s having fun? The man can make sitting in one position for hours as people set up camera equipment around him seem like the most exciting job in the history of cinema. Here’s hoping he keeps sharing these little snippets of production throughout the filming process.
While no official plot details have been released for Fast 8, the film will bring back all the familiar faces from the previous few films — including, of course, Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, and Jordana Brewster — as well as newcomers Charlize Theron, Helen Mirren, and Eva Mendes. The film will race into theaters on April 14, 2017.
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