Rian Johnson Reveals the First Words Spoken in ‘The Last Jedi’
In only eleven days (ELEVEN DAYS??? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN??) Star Wars: The Last Jedi is finally hitting theaters, and the hype has been ongoing for some time now. The press tour for the movie is in full swing, and this weekend brought a couple of revelations courtesy of the cast and director. We now know the first two words spoken in the movie, one of the few reveals Rian Johnson and co. were allowed to give away.
During the cast’s takeover of Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kimmel asked Johnson if he could reveal just one thing to the fans who are already so hyped up for this movie. The first word spoken, perhaps? “This I can do,” Johnson said. “The first word is ‘We’re.’”
Shortly thereafter, he revealed to Fox 5 DC that the second word spoken is “not.” So, there you have it. Not that this really spoils anything. There are a ton of possible directions this first line could go: We’re not… trained for this? We’re not… having a good time? We’re not… the droids you’re looking for?
Two years ago, J.J. Abrams revealed the first two words of his Star Wars movie as well, which were “This will” in The Force Awakens. That ended up being part of Lor San Tekka’s line, “This will begin to make things right,” that he says as he hands over the missing piece of Luke Skywalker’s map to Poe Dameron. “We’re not” has the same level of total ambiguity, so don’t expect this to spoil anything. But it’s a fun little bit of trivia to turn over and over in our heads while we sit here rocking back and forth for the next week and a half.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi opens December 15.
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