Kevin Smith on ‘Flash’ S3 Return, ‘Arrow’ Adapting ‘Onomatopoeia’
Kevin Smith has made more than a few headlines for himself directing just one episode of The Flash, even if his success won’t carry over to Arrow just yet. Now, we know exactly which Flash Season 3 hour will see the Mallrats director return, as well how Arrow might adapt his enigmatic “Onomatopoeia” villain, should he get the chance to realize it.
First things first, a new interview with Den of Geek saw Smith confirming that he’d direct the seventh outing of The Flash Season 3, scheduled to start shooting in September. Afterward, Smith acknowledged that his comments on either writing or directing Arrow (Smith previously claimed to prefer the former) hadn’t yet yielded results, though he’d figured out the best way to adapt the quirks of Onomatopoeia, a comic Green Arrow villain he himself created in 2002.
Yeah, I’ve figured out a way to do it that is kinda bad-ass, and also connects to comics more or less. So instead of just doing the actual sound – which to me, in the real world, would be like the dude from Police Academy making noises with his mouth – he’ll just have little cards. Business cards that have typewritten words of whatever the fuck. So instead of him saying ‘blam’, you’d find this card on your desk and turn around and ‘blam’, he’d shoot you and stuff like that. Which I think is a little more chilly, you know, for doing it in live action.
On a comic book page, those big word balloons with a tiny word in it were so fucking sweet. It looks beautifully graphic, like, at the same time it creates an image of ‘this is weird’. But I don’t know if audibly making noises would ever work in the real world, so I think those cards would be bad-ass, man. So [you read] ‘slit’, and you’re like “slit?”, and then all of a sudden you turn around he cuts your fucking throat and dude just cocks his head Michael Myers style and watches you go down. So yeah, I’ve obviously thought about it a little bit, but it would be cool to do. Hopefully, hopefully they’ll tap me.
Arrow originally sought to adapt Onomatopoeia back in Season 1, before heeding Smith’s own suggestion that the character’s gimmick of speaking only in phonetic sound effects couldn’t be adapted outside of comics. The role was instead shifted into “Mr. Blank,” an original assassin played by Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Angel alum J. August Richards.
Mind you, Stephen Amell doesn’t believe Smith will take part in Arrow Season 5, at least for the immediate future, but will the director’s second Flash outing fare so well as the first? Does a mute Onomatopoeia sound like a memorable Arrow baddie?
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