‘Happy Endings’ Cancellation: Season 4 Storylines Revealed?
Just when we thought we'd never have a chance to talk 'Happy Endings' again! Yes, it's true, the major hopes of seeing the beloved ABC comedy resurrected from cancellation were recently dashed by Sony TV's contract expiration, but that doesn't mean we'll never know what was to become of the 'Happy Endings' gang in season 4!
Series creator David Caspe and executive producer Jonathan Groff recently spoke to TVLine at length about the series' cancellation, and just how close the comedy truly came to earning a last-minute pickup at USA. Along the way, Caspe and Groff previewed several story points they had wanted to explore, among them the evolving triangle between Dave (Zachary Knighton), Alex (Elisha Cuthbert) and Penny (Casey Wilson), and potential career and family options for Brad (Damon Wayans Jr.) and Jane (Eliza Coupe).
We knew we couldn’t do Dave and Penny until we got Dave and Alex sorted out. At the end of Season 3, they got the break-up that they really needed to have, which is one with an even playing field and nobody having left anyone at the altar. We wanted to have them break up in an amicable way so we could go back to telling Dave’s dating stories in a way that was more serious, or Alex dating and what that would mean for the group in a way that was more even-handed.
Would Penny have been part of that? Maybe. I think we would have needed to regroup because Penny and Alex are so close and that relationship is so important and they’ve known each other their whole lives. [It's similar to] the way it was tricky for Barney and Robin to hook up on 'How I Met Your Mother.' It didn’t come without some degree of difficulty for Ted and Barney’s relationship. We would have had to handle that. And maybe we would have, I’m not sure.
But that's not all! Shortly after 'Happy Endings' officially bit the bullet last week, series writer Jason Berger took to Twitter to post screencaps of a number of rejected and alternate jokes from previous scripts, some of which are all too absurd to ignore. Take a look at more 'Happy Endings' that wasn't meant to be below, and give us your thoughts on the untimely cancellation and season 4 stories in the comments!
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