Watch Jimmy Kimmel’s Opening 2016 Emmy Sketch Bloopers
Despite declining ratings, this year’s Emmy ceremony went off with nary a hitch, even affording some refreshing upsets in the usual pool of repeat winners. Jimmy Kimmel too did a perfectly serviceable job keeping things moving, but naturally made a few gaffes in production of that opening sketch, the blooper reel of which you can watch right now.
An audibly hoarse Kimmel debuted the bloopers (or “Boners and Boo-Boos,” as Dick Clark owns “bloopers”) during Monday’s Jimmy Kimmel Live!, drawing particular attention to the high-energy Jeb Bush struggling to get some of his lines right. Naturally, bits like Kimmel riding on the back of Game of Thrones’ Drogon requires much more compositing than performance, and didn’t need quite so many takes.
There wasn’t a tremendous amount of flash to Kimmel’s hosting (the bit with Matt Damon was probably a highlight of the night), but it’s certainly worth a look back to appreciate solid work. Not to mention, national treasure Julia Louis-Dreyfus cracking up should grant at least a million angel wings each time.
You can check out the bloopers for yourself above, and view the full list of Emmy 2016 winners again.
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